Saturday, June 30, 2012

So Proud

Tuning up...

The solo

Trio with our friend J who's taken up the flute again 

Playing with teacher K and school colleague B
Saturday 23rd June 2012:  he didn't want to do it.  Exams were coming up.  He hates it.  He did it.  It was wonderful!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Toujours Geezer

This morning I was meditating to some Jordi Savall musique and mourning the injustices of the world with tears streaming down my face when a tell tale synchronised scrunch of many boots on the gravel warned me of the approach of geezers just when you least expect it like the Spanish Inquisition.   Swiping at the running mascara and fixing a smile on my face I rose to say hallo.

I really think they might finish today as, although clouds loom as ever, it is not actually raining, and they have incentive:  tonight is the Portugal -Spain match (this is causing some tension as Spain is a strong side.  I hope they finish the painting before Disappointment sets in).