Monday, March 16, 2015

Fast Blasted

Alright I'm going to confess.  After ONE MONTH of fasting and eating in a moderate and balanced manner in between, and removing biscuits and cakes from the house, and gradually increasing  gentle exercise and keeping active, I have lost precisely nothing whatsoever except my patience.  All measurements remained identical, all clothes are just as tight and all rolls of fat firmly in place (well,  loosely in place I should say...).  Holding in my tummy and pulling the tape measure tight made no difference.  There was not one ounce of encouragement to be had.

Got very demoralised and fell of the wagon.  It felt good.  Especially the wine and sausages and the chocolate covered rice crackers.

YES THIS MADE ME FEEL VERY VERY HAPPY.  I joined in the family meal, I felt goodwill to all men. 

Sometimes you have to know when to let your inner troll gambol. 

Will I have the courage to start again?  Just what is the reward?

FASTS BAH!  I am resolved.  I will speak no more of them.