Saturday, August 1, 2015

Terrace facing defeat

The loneliness of the leader before the everlasting overhwhelming challenge, pushing on beyond the point of exhaustion.

We realise we are involved in a major construction, a roof perhaps, or an entire house.  We are underqualified, under staffed and our deadline is inappropriate.  I think it would have been easier to build 20 metre foundations with an underground carpark and have done with it.

It is Saturday evening, last half day tomorrow, and not a single plank of terrace is in place.  The 80 4 metre long planks have not even been carried to the building site.  As I write, JC and A are screwing the foundation frame in place.  Utter exhaustion has set in and and in desperation family loyalties have been pressed upon.


B came over with H his girlfriend, after disappearing for 2 days and nearly causing a family Rift.  Push on, push on...

The rare sight of B, R and JC on site at the same time, if only many hands would join to make light work...

One hole drilled in the baked earth every 40cm, filled with cement, topped with an adjustable foot to be finely adjusted, equidistance between the rafters, equal height, perfectly flat in all directions...

R prepares to 'work'...and JC prepares to collapse

A does the work of 3 men he is a titan...a black belt in Aikido, a qualified sports teacher, a determined, honorable and loyal friend
Complex engineering, calculations, problem-solving...

A sea of terrace foundations stretching to the horizon

I feel like a war photographer.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Terrace Progress

Another 15 hour day, and what was our old rotten terrace has been transformed into a mud flat covered with square holes and lines, rather like crop circles or something (of a square kind) - what made them, was it done by aliens?  Wait, what is that I see in the bottom left hand corner of the photo, a hole-digger in action...

It's dark.  They're still at it.  I'm going out to get them in, this is no time (10.12pm) to be running a cement mixer.  As you can see neither of them is the slightest bit contrite.  They encourage one another in their extremist determination to get the job done, and anyone who gets in their way is steamrollered.


Not Sorry

Guiltily mixing concrete in the dark


This is how dark it is

Monday, July 27, 2015


Travelling Arriving Leaving Forwards Backwards Travelling

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Terrace Buliding Starts Today

Before pictures

The Gaffer

The Mate (not enthusiastic) and his cat (enthusiastic)

The Gaffer gives instructions to his Mate who is visibly not impressed

The Mate uses his phone whilst listening once more to the Gaffer's instructions, the gaffer assumes a despotic and disapproving stance

Work begins in the pouring rain Gaffer and Mate Not Pleased

B cement mixing

Work continues late into night, JC calls it Project Management others call it slave driving.  Gaffer says being a project manager is a lonely job.

True Selfies

R did a Mutley laugh, a growl like Marge Simpson and another Mutley laugh when he found out I had over 400 selfies on my new phone.  Well firstly my phone isn't any use for anything else as Some Unjust Fellow (R) has taken my sim card as his doesn't work and apparently the new virtual mobile line has gone missing and cannot be found until a week Monday if we're lucky.    Secondly, it's the first time I've been able to take phone selfies and it's fun.    And thirdly nobody has taken any decent photos of me for 20 years if not more, and I'm determined to have some  - I want them to be how I feel I look without that fat wrinkled person who keeps getting in the way.      Selfies are wonderful because you can choose the best of 400, and make sure lines blodges and double chins are erased by clever lighting and angles, even without photoshopping which I have not yet mastered.  Or installed.

Here are some of the winners, spot the one which looks like Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge and the one that looks like a bug eyed thirties film star and the bug eye.

Mirros within mirrors

With Lemon

I could swear that there was someone with me, that I was not alone...