Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Terrace Progress

Another 15 hour day, and what was our old rotten terrace has been transformed into a mud flat covered with square holes and lines, rather like crop circles or something (of a square kind) - what made them, was it done by aliens?  Wait, what is that I see in the bottom left hand corner of the photo, a hole-digger in action...

It's dark.  They're still at it.  I'm going out to get them in, this is no time (10.12pm) to be running a cement mixer.  As you can see neither of them is the slightest bit contrite.  They encourage one another in their extremist determination to get the job done, and anyone who gets in their way is steamrollered.


Not Sorry

Guiltily mixing concrete in the dark


This is how dark it is

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