Saturday, July 13, 2013

Being together, going to Versailles

S's last day in France, before the fountains of Versailles, the first day of summer

R runs to find me

R finds me


S runs ahead (he's a champion runner)


Odd Socks

This summer I have decided to set the young people to work.  They do nothing but bum around on computers, eat, make mess.

Here you can see R and his friend R tackling our odd sock problem.  We have a whole drawer of socks looking for partners, some of them have been single for years.  26 sucessful matches were made.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Saved by Sugru

Sugru:  For Independant Home Solutions!
Sugru;  Saviour of the Make Do and Mend Society!

Sugru;  Inventors Friend!

Sugru;  Champion of Customisation!

Sugru;  Over Consume No More!

Sugru:  Economise, Ecologise!

Sugru;  Valiant Knight in the fight against Planned Obsolescence

I was listening to the BBC World Service at 3am whilst ironing,  when I heard a piece on Global Business about Sugru, and Jane Ní Dhulchaointigh who recognised the need, thought of the solution, and with a team developed manufactured and marketed it.

What is Sugru?  A silicon based putty, which hardens over 24 hours to bond anything to anything, is strong, heat resistant and shock absorbant, can be mixed to colour of choice or painted and if you need to remove it can be cut off.  

Jane studied design, but instead of inventing a new need and designing a new product and encouraging consumerism, she saw things differently.  What we need, she reasoned, and so do I, is a product which helps us mend, customise, improve, the things which we have already.

In my case the things which I have already include irresistable charity shop, jumble sale and brocante purchases, old things and sentimental things which I'm too fond of to throw away, and all the new products which are shoddy, or ill-designed, and inevitably fall apart.

I went straight way to the charming internet site, and had some posted to France for a reasonable fee.  Excellent friendly site

Givenchy glasses by Sugru

The nose protectors fell off and were lost.  The nose developed an unsightly blood blister from the metal bits jabbing in.   

Not only mended and comfortable, but customised to fit nose and provide perfect symmetry.

Sewing Box by Sugru

Expandable sewing box, bought for 3 Euros in the St Leger brocante circa 2005, with one broken leg.  Has stood on its broken leg for over 6 years and fallen over each time used or hoovered around, as husband declared carpentry repair of broken leg 'not easy' and consequently it went to the bottom of the DIY list.  Even the things at the top of the DIY list wait 6 years.  Glue didn't work, but Sugru did!

Lamp by Sugru

This lampshade cost me 50c in the Carrieres brocante, I know it's not the fashionable shape, but the lovely organic pink glow seduced me.  I found an old IKEA lamp stand in the basement with lots of bits missing, and a bit of another old lamp stand;  YES!  Moulded together and made strong and straight by Sugru.

Chipped Swiss Army Knife by Sugru

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mayor approves our new gate!

This is the signature of the Mayor, Arnaud de Bastard,  who has just officially approved our plans to upgrade an existing gate, hooray!

The application has taken three months to process and has been returned twice, despite my asking copious advice at the appropriate council department.   Twice.   Hooray!   Now we must  put a sign up for a month warning passers by that we are going to upgrade our gate!  Hooray for progress!
Permission to renew gate, some of the many, many papers involved...

We had to apply for permission to replace a decrepit and unappealing gate, filling in an 18 page form, with photos and simulations before and after,  5 copies.   I am not even allowed to paint the wall in my garden next to my back  door, where no-one can see it but me,  without asking for permission 18 pages 5 copies etc...  I got rather hot under the collar at this point and asked if I should make a planning application for wearing a white dress on my terrace.  How they laughed.

Here are just a few of the things that the Mayor and his elected councillors want to specify about our gate:

The mini wall under the gate must not exceed 60 cm
The gate and posts must not exceed 1.80 m in height
The width of the gate opening must not exceed 3.5 m
The colour must be specified (what colour would they like?)
The gate must be totally open to view for burglars and nosy neighbours (new law, the existing gate was closed in) (no reason given for new law)
They needed to know the distance between the bars...(10 cm as it happens)
We cannot re-render the wall behind the gate without filling in another application (quickly scrubbed this project)
Builders estimate required with scale drawing of gate
One form had to be filled in N/A and signed, 6 pages, 5 copies (the trees, the trees...)

I'm so glad the Mayor and all his elected Councillors like our new gate and are so concerned with the minutia of our every day makes us feel really special.  I just can't understand why so many people in France change their gate any old how without even asking permission, do they know what they are missing?

Green Gaspacho

Summer has struck and my screensaver is filled with wild flowers.  With summer comes HEAT, even the computer is HOT;  B has rigged up a mini fan which plugs into a USB socket thingy with a swtich which is sellotaped to a reel of fishing line...(?)

Summer and my screensaver is filled with wild flowers...

Life saving computer user mini fan gadget by B

Heating food and eating hot food must be kept to a minimum during Parisian heat waves if kitchen and cook are not to suffer from irreparable heatstroke.

Today I got up early to open the windows (as I do every hot day) and let in the cool air (if you call 20 C cool) and went to the market early, before the heat, and came back with spring onions with tops, carrots with tops and radishes, with tops.

This Green Gaspacho is green for two reasons, firstly it is a green colour and secondly it is made from the parts which would otherwise be thrown away.   I do not do paid work but I do work and with this soup especially I feel I pay my way.

For this you need a good blender.    I have a Magimix blender, which is well worth the extra price as this is what you have to pay to get the right quality for the job -  of being a blender.   I have had mine for 3 years and use it at least twice a day for smoothies and soups.  I can't escape the fact that a good blender is key in my quest avoid throwing away food, and to encourage youngsters to eat enough fruit (smoothies).

Green Gaspacho Recipe (vary according to what you have)

Any tops - in this case carrot, radish and spring onion (radish leaves have to be cooked the same day or they turn yellow)
Any wrinkly veggies that need using up, or cheap in season vegetables
A sad lonely lettuce that nobody ate
A few stinging nettles and chard leaves if you have them (optional)
If you like garlic, put some in, or wild garlic if you have some in the garden

Fresh herbs which you would enjoy eating raw (eg: oregano, chives, mint and parsley, with a sprinkle of rosemary and sage).

Wash and cut up tops and garden leaves and boil until tender in a pan of good water.  When cooked, leave to cool, and mix in blender with the herbs - the raw herbs give it some kick and retain health properties.

Taste and season, chill thoroughly, serve with a swirl of cream or creme fraiche if desired.  Actually the seasoning part may require some imagination - depending what you put in it.


Alright I admit it, it looks disgusting, it tastes disgusting...but my husband eats it.