Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Green Gaspacho

Summer has struck and my screensaver is filled with wild flowers.  With summer comes HEAT, even the computer is HOT;  B has rigged up a mini fan which plugs into a USB socket thingy with a swtich which is sellotaped to a reel of fishing line...(?)

Summer and my screensaver is filled with wild flowers...

Life saving computer user mini fan gadget by B

Heating food and eating hot food must be kept to a minimum during Parisian heat waves if kitchen and cook are not to suffer from irreparable heatstroke.

Today I got up early to open the windows (as I do every hot day) and let in the cool air (if you call 20 C cool) and went to the market early, before the heat, and came back with spring onions with tops, carrots with tops and radishes, with tops.

This Green Gaspacho is green for two reasons, firstly it is a green colour and secondly it is made from the parts which would otherwise be thrown away.   I do not do paid work but I do work and with this soup especially I feel I pay my way.

For this you need a good blender.    I have a Magimix blender, which is well worth the extra price as this is what you have to pay to get the right quality for the job -  of being a blender.   I have had mine for 3 years and use it at least twice a day for smoothies and soups.  I can't escape the fact that a good blender is key in my quest avoid throwing away food, and to encourage youngsters to eat enough fruit (smoothies).

Green Gaspacho Recipe (vary according to what you have)

Any tops - in this case carrot, radish and spring onion (radish leaves have to be cooked the same day or they turn yellow)
Any wrinkly veggies that need using up, or cheap in season vegetables
A sad lonely lettuce that nobody ate
A few stinging nettles and chard leaves if you have them (optional)
If you like garlic, put some in, or wild garlic if you have some in the garden

Fresh herbs which you would enjoy eating raw (eg: oregano, chives, mint and parsley, with a sprinkle of rosemary and sage).

Wash and cut up tops and garden leaves and boil until tender in a pan of good water.  When cooked, leave to cool, and mix in blender with the herbs - the raw herbs give it some kick and retain health properties.

Taste and season, chill thoroughly, serve with a swirl of cream or creme fraiche if desired.  Actually the seasoning part may require some imagination - depending what you put in it.


Alright I admit it, it looks disgusting, it tastes disgusting...but my husband eats it.

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