Thursday, July 18, 2013

Flowers which excite me

I know I've gone on about the Pride of India Tree, but a whole tree-full of bees, a blaze from the distance, a yellow parasol close up, I love this tree

The sheer bursting potential of this bubble gum pink geranium

I treated myself to a Lilium 'Curie', how exciting is this, look at the stigma and the stamens on that one, and you've got colour, form, and the SCENT, this flower is the origin of the description 'heady;

The naughty but seductive bindweed...and a darling tea rose flowering again...

Pink variety

And I still love Fennel flowers, I love this being, something in the way she moves...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

14th of July Personal Fly By

Each year on Bastille Day France glories in its airborne military might by doing a fly-by directly over our house!  Then they turn round at the Champs Elysee and come back again.

French flag in smoke

I am the only one in our neighbourhood whose cries of excitement ring out in the street as I hang out of the highest window, yes I, an English woman.

The fast formation flying is so thrilling, the throaty whir of planes from the past, the sky rocking helicopters, each one proud to play its part.

The swifts and the magpies and the jays also get excited, their airwaves are disturbed.   They do not know whether to defend their young, chase off the planes or join in the fun;  shrieking to their friends they hurtle off after the great flying formations.

Birds and helicopters

Red smoke finale over La Defense