Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ah, summer

Ah, summer, best taken lying down, under a tree, looking up...there's something in the air...

Strawberries and cream: choose a cream thick enough to coat the fruit, put one teaspoonful in each bowl, stir in small teaspoonful of sugar and some vanilla essence. Wash strawberries and cut in two, fill each bowl, stir up with the vanilla cream...and ENJOY.

The cherry season, short and intensly pleasurable, is upon us. We have cooking cherries in the garden so I made a cherry clafoutis, this recipe worked well:

150 g of plain flour

4 eggs

300mls milk

vanilla essence

Make this into a batter by whisking or in a machine, and set aside in fridge.

Heat oven 180C

Stone cherries.

Butter an oven proof dish, heat to bubbling in hot oven, fill with cherries and cover with 3 heaped dessertspoonfuls of sugar (more or less, depending on sweetness of cherries or according to taste). Put into oven until cherries lightly cooked and sugar in a syrup. While still as hot as possible pour in stirred batter and cook for 25 minutes, until risen and golden brown (do not open oven door whilst rising as will fall). Serve with dusting of icing sugar.

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