Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Gite in Cathare Country

We rented a gite with a view of the castle of Montsegur, near the village of Montferrier, not far from Foix in the Ariege Pyrenees - the site of the gite has pictures:http://gitescathares.free.fr/clotdelafount.php

A corner for everyone

JC meditates in the rays of the rising sun...

...and reads by the window which overlooks Montsegur

B reads by the slow wood burning stove which heats the 2  floors above as well

R discovers the natural convection hot air outlet  directly above the wood burner, and is caught on film eating the last of the biscuits and hiding his  ipod under a (relatively) worthy book

Window captures some rays of the setting sun

Breakfast on the terrace

Photos at sunset

The open fire

Reading in the meadow

A lizard outside the front door

The proof, view of the castle of Montsegur from the window

Captured in longjohns and unappealing slippers 

B's extraordinary view of the tree outside the gite...

In the reading room under a duvet swinging in the hammock

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