Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Why 0 out of 10?

Things were not so easy for R with Papa, who wanted to know how the 0 out of 10 was won.  Here are some of R's responses:
  • Because she wants me to be superman & work 24 hours a day
  • I don't have the test with me
  • There's nothing to see
  • Strange Donald Duck noise
  • Forget it
  • I'm tired
  • I'm too tired get up and go upstairs
  • I don't need to talk about it the teacher talked about it for an hour and shouted at everyone and I've understood now.
  • I feel WEAK
  • EVERYONE got zero
  • My friends got 5, 7 and 8 out of 20 (oh dear, the stoats and weasels are not performing)
  • OKOKOK she wants us to put the title on one place and the number on each page and the subtitle underlined and the holes punched and the pictures stuck on and the sources listed.
  • Strange Donald Duck noise
Papa finally located the evidence in R's bag.   It would appear that the 0 out of 10 relates to file management, which R seems not to have concerned himself with for 3 months, considering it not important and making no sense and because the teacher issued instructions at the end of a long day just before the holidays and nobody was listening.

Finally the teacher's instructions for getting marks for subject of folder administration were uncovered (I translate):

Documentation in the Folder
  • Number of documents:  a minimum of three per theme
  • Relevance of documents to the theme
  • Neat and tidy work (cutting out, presentation)
  • Title and source
  • Personal remarks (at least one phrase to describe the document, make the link with the theme, and show why it is relevant)
Sapristi Knuckoes (this is of course my personal remark).

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