Friday, February 15, 2013


I was tackling my international ironing crisis and listening to Radio 4 (no Radio 4, no ironing, the Test Cricket is a constant hazard), when they interviewed a professional hermit.  She is a retired headmistress who has always enjoyed her own company.  She lives in a house at the edge of a small village, grows her own food and does the odd job to pay the bills, and generally just doesn't see anybody.

I was checking my blogger's profile today, clicking on my interests to see if there is anyone out there like me, but as usual,  I find only one person in the whole wide blogging world who shares those passions;  me.

I feel out of sinc with the modern world.

So it seems to me that Hermit would be an ideal later in life career choice for me.    JC is also a hermit, so we could be the world's first married hermit couple.  In the Ariege Pyrenees, panoramic mountain view.   Being philosophers.  I wonder if there is a hermit support network?

Yes cruel world, I'm ready.   Someone has to have time to do the philosophy to get us out of this mess.

(Propelled into action by our 'neighbours' intent upon massacring our garden and threatening us with legal action.  Can hermits indulge in the odd chainsaw massacre?  There's nothing about it in the job description).

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