Monday, August 4, 2014

Swedish Pilgrimage

We made a pilgrimage to Sweden to be with Yeshayahu Ben Aharon and some Nordic members of his Global Event School ,

First, we took some time to visit Gothenburg (in Swedish: Göteborg, pronounced [jœtəˈbɔrj], I have heard this pronounced, and it sounds much as it looks, so we'll stick with Gothenburg.

Totally Touroidistical, JC stands on one of Gothenburg's canal bridges, a lock behind him
Merchant city, warehouses, trams to the left, as the ground is too marshy to build  underground trains,  and a Padden boat, flat enough to get under the low bridges, so you can take a tour of the city's canal's and its sheltered sea port.

Time for a quick read before we cast off

JC kneels before me, to make sure his head does not hit the 'Cheesegrater'  - Gothenburg's lowest bridge.  Strangely the woman in front of him his half French and half Swedish, note the unlikely combination of profile and tattoo

Ducking under the rusty Cheesegrater

Gothenburg's dockside development and floating ship museum, delightfully not over done

This Danish ship has tall masts which cannot be lowered.  A short time after it docked here the Swedish built a really low bridge between it and the sea, so here it stays.

The St Erik with storm descending

Storm inevitable, the Padden boat owners put up a sort of windbreak...

...and sell us yellow rain ponchos...shortly afterwards the storm strikes and I am forced to put my camera away for its own safety

Please note wet bottom - JC scampers for shelter

And finds solace in a lovely cafe...where he can once more read

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