Thursday, January 8, 2015

Je Suis Charlie

We can be proud of what we strive for.

la liberté d’expression totale, illimitée, pour toute opinion quelle qu’elle soit, sans aucun
restriction ni réserve, est un besoin absolu pour l’intelligence. 
Simone Weil

Complete unlimited freedom of expression for every sort of opinion without the least restriction or reserve is an absolute need for intelligence

(Simone Weil, God's gift to France!)

COMMENTS coming in from my friends of conscience
Yes, terrorism is a terrible thing. I sympathize with the inhabitants of Paris and the people of France.
Juliy, Ukraine 

John, UK

Thinking of you
Dawn, Australia

WHO AM I?  je suis Charlie, je suis le journaliste tué qui a dénoncé la bêtise, la connerie, la saloperie
je suis aussi le terroriste  

(I am Charlie, I am the journalist who was killed, who denounced the stupidity, bullshit and crap...and I am also the terrorist...
Eric, France

We too are at Charlie's side, I was very impressed by the dignity and calm of the thousands of people who gathered to give hommage to the victims of a barbaric act which is incomprehensible to me...

Nous sommes également des Charlie, et j’ai -  pour ma part - été très impressionné par la dignité et le calme de ces milliers de personnes venues rendre hommage à des hommes victimes d’une barbarie incompréhensible pour moi. M. France

Thank you for the quote - it brought a deeper perspective to the thoughts we had after the horrors
Hester, Sweden 

We've been following all the madness in Paris.  I hope you are all fine.  Our thoughts are with all the families that have lost loved ones.
R, England

I've been wondering how you are all dealing with the events in your adopted country at the moment.  I know you wouldn't have been immediately effected - but I am sure that the events have resonances through your lives ... 
Jenny, Australia

We all agree - Nous sommes tous d'accord
Christine, France

Please note Mustapha and Ahmed died too.  Mustapha was an orphan from Algeria whose friends paid for him to start a new life in France and who became an editor.    Ahmed was a muslim, a family man, who died pleading for his life,  

 'Ahmed Merabet died protecting the innocent from hate. I salute him.' (a tribute from someone who loved him)

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