Monday, June 11, 2012

Geezer, The Sequel

I was changing from my floor-stripping clothes into my collecting the children from school clothes when I was arrested by a noise.  The unmistakable noise of geezers discharging from a geezer van and swarming my garden. I threw on some clothes and threw open the bedroom window.  I looked down on the Head Geezer and he looked up at me.  I have trained myself to remain silent.

After assessing the emotional state of the householder as best he could, Head Geezer took the cigarette nub out of his mouth and informed me that he was going to leave some "material"  in my garden.   I continued to regard him with cocked head.  So he said that he would be starting the work...on Thursday (8 days after the scaffolding was put up).    I continued to say nothing.  He was not fazed by this.   He told me he was going to prepare the windows and tape them shut.  'As in, I can't use my windows from now until  Thursday?" I said, it being Monday.  "Yup, so we can make an early start on Thursday"  he said "And be sure to finish - will that be alright".  "I can't open the windows anyway"  I said, to myself mainly  "the painter has painted them shut."  "Oooh, he shouldn't have done that".  I shut the window and withdrew from the scene.

I'm not convinced I will ever see them again, I've lost faith.    The scaffolding is becoming a part of my life.  I dream of painting it sage green and covering it with trailing geraniums, pink and red.    However, even the scaffolding has now disappeared behind swathes of plastic groundsheet, and I am entombed within.

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