Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Non Violent Communication

After a particularly bitter struggle at the orthodentist, after which Dr Cure-all did manage to find a cancellation after all and was able make an appointment to take B's braces out on Friday rather than in September, but all this at some cost to my personal aplomb, I have taken a decision.

"I'm going to do a non-violent communication course in French"  I announced to my family at the table.

R and JC raised their eyebrows and B said  "But it wouldn't be you".

They know me, at the mere mention of the phrase "non-violent" I can feel my inner Obelix taking over.

" I need to learn non-violent communication techniques in order to better defend myself from people who use them as a weapon against me"

"Yes, good idea"  said JC, back from a hard day at the office

B understands my struggle, he gave me a very good observational feedback on Dr Cure-all's non-violent interuption, accusation and computer generated lying technique.   It's so nice, after fifteen years in France to have somebody who understands.  Going home together on the metro, B said :  "You should tell him:  STOP, are you listening to me?  Repeat what I just said!   He wouldn't have been able to tell you, every time you opened your mouth he talked over you".  When I asked B where he learned that technique he said all the teachers at school do it. Well there you go.   At a recent meeting with R's teacher he talked over me throughout, and must have thought I was a right fool not to counter with the STOP are you listening to me? technique.  Round one to him and serves me right for not sharpening my dagger.

I wonder how the non-violent communication people will respond, in a non-violent way,  to my statement of motivation.    It's quite a teaser isn't it?   I think maybe I need to do some past life aggression therapy first...

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