Saturday, October 6, 2012

A GIRL view of school

I interrogated hrrumph I mean had a chat with a GIRL who has also moved schools from R's old school to his new school to this year.   GIRLS are in general quite a different species from boys and it's always interesting to get their perspective.

When I asked her how she was getting on, this girl said, from a position of high scorn, that her new school was very good, she loved her new school, She LOVED school, she wanted to go to another school where they did sport for half the curriculum and that anyway she didn't have to work hard to get an "avarage" of 18.  (French children always talk about their avarage, for example, they will say to me (in French)  'oh, I like English I have an avarage of 18).  She asked R what he got for dictation, and R said 0 and she said nothing.  Good job R doesn't require sympathy.  I was driving at the time and wisely kept quiet.  We were on our way to theatre club and I could not work out if I was hearing a piece of theatre, wishful thinking or the truth.

Girls are very complicated, from two girls, depending on who they are talking to or about,  you can get at least 15 versions of the truth some of which appear to be quite incompatible with each other.

I started to wonder if girls weren't involved in subversive behaviour at school so asked R what girls get up to and he said texting in the toilets.  He really is the most wonderful grass.

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