Monday, February 18, 2013

They really don't listen

It seems R is right when he says that at school they don't listen.

R's friend S came to lunch today, she told me she fell down in sport last week and showed me a bruise on her leg the size of the Atlantic ocean.

Today, a week later, it is time for the sports lesson again, but instead of the sports teacher asking how she is, or even allowing her to come up to him and explain, I have to write her a note explaining that she needs to be careful in sport.  Only with this note to show does she have the right to go up to the teacher, flapping the exercise book,  and enjoya  short hearing (reading the note in front of her, lips moving presumably).  Communication is incredibly contorted in the French College,  no wonder the French all grow up difficult (in my culturally biased opinion).

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