Sunday, May 26, 2013

Paris: Manifestation

The French love a good manifestation...

We took our English exchange student S to see the Eiffel Tower where we got a birdseye view of Paris, and also a birdseye view of another French classic;  la manifestation;  that is people take to the streets shout NON about something and wave flags, blow trumpets and bang drums, traffic is stopped and a vast police presence is called for.

French manifestation;  when people take to the streets shout NON about something, wave flags, blow trumpets and bang drums
Great stock is taken of a demonstration which is thought to be a good indication of what the People think and has been known to topple governments.     This one was superbly orchestrated;  participants wearing shocking pink and shocking blue which showed up a treat from the air and made the assembled throng instantly recognisable.    They had small groups planted all over central Paris, then then the ant trails merged into one big ant hill aux Invalides - one million according to organisers.

We went right to the top for 14 Euros, where we were on a level with the helicopter which must have taken this picture

I love climbing the Eiffel Tower, the view never fails to breath-take.
Looking towards La Defense and beyond it, home...
Outside Musee D'Architecture, view Eiffel Tower

The urge to climb the walls...

 The last time I went to the Eiffel Tower,  R was two and spent the entire trip scrambling out of his McClarens and scaling the safety fences and consequently I spent the entire visit with him in an elbow lock dragging him back to the walkway,  while the wind howled and tore at our clothing, and I vowed never  to go back with him to the Eiffel Tower until he was at least 20, a vow which I have kept so far, 8 years to go.  However S was very pleasant company.


  1. I am fairly confident it will be there when you need it next. Despite having been to Paris so often, it is something I just never did. I guess because I could not face the queues so well done you!

  2. Well we were going to go together once, do you remember, but M wasn't sure about the heights, and this combined with the queue, perhaps in vain, made us bottle really do have to be comfortable about heights as it is fairly willifying, frankly.
