Monday, February 23, 2015

Third Fast

Put this off, did it on Wednesday not Tuesday.  Went to market in the morning on nothing more than a cup of herbal tea, had wonderful meetings and experiences, came home, cooked lunch, felt fine.  Ate green salad, a few pieces of dry roast chicken breast, 3 minute strips of roasted pepper vinegar no oil and one large cup of tea with milk.

All afternoon felt hungry and bad.

Cooked beefburger and chips for offsprings.  One offspring was HUNGRY and the other said it was TOO EARLY.  Had to smell and watch beefburger and chips for one hour until other offspring was hungry.    Resisted.

By 5.30 was totally cracking up.  Prepared Essene bread with some soup juice and a v. small bowl of soup.  Ate one satsuma.  Ate another.

Went through hell.  Gave up, decided to eat biscuits, opened the cupboard, withdrew at last minute.  Gave up decided to eat organic chocolate rice crispies, touched the jar, withdrew.  Finally totally gave up, felt white weak, raging, needy - but noticed it was 10pm, if I had resisted that long no need to give up now when sleep and forgetting awaited.  Went to bed without eating, a triumph, felt better in morning.

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