Thursday, March 26, 2015

Google & Co; One Ring to Bind them All


 "Googlers (Google employees) solve complex problems everyday in the name of our core mission:
 to organize the WORLD'S information and make it UNIVERSALLY accessible*
*to our users

Thank you dear Google for allowing me to say this on my Google blog.

And indeed to access the aforementioned blog through your Search Engine

And indeed for owning my blog and everything in it.

Oh Great Google I thank you, you are the ground of my virtual being.  

And thank you for knowing all about me through the information I give you, from my shared photos and personal communications, my blogs,  from Google groups, gmail ... and for sending me creepy compilations of my own pictures from which your machines have gleaned information about where I was and what I was doing anywhere in the world.   I know that this is just a tiny foretaste of your true power, of the world power to come;  the power of influence is yours oh great One World Google.

Yes indeed I am thankful to the individual 'whole self' Googlers who are faithful to the Mission, who bring their individual differences, their freedom, their real concerns for real people to  
 'create and leverage technology for the greater good' 
through 'the power to impact'

Dear Google, I know that I am never out of your sight
thanks be to your Great Machines
Soon will come the time when
We shall all be your Users
In the Name of Your Core Mission
Ah WHAT???

PS could you arrange for this to go viral by any chance?

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