Saturday, January 17, 2009

Coming of the Magi

We went to collect tiles from Senhor H who was in fine form as his wife was away making lunch. He gagged the boys with lollipops and furnished us with literature he has produced on World Improvements - in the meantime R&B went off for a gagged game of 'video surveillance hide and seek' which they devised using the equipment available.

Senhor H showed us a letter from the ex Mrs Sarkozy, who was clearly touched by her personal message from him. Senhor receives personal messages for politicians (and their wives) from the spiritual world.

Senhor H's wife phoned 3 times during the conversation to say lunch was ready. He is not allowed to talk to customers about his religious experiences, even customers who are interested. He will cop it when he gets home. He has offered to give J-C an olive-wood cross (blessed) which he made himself. J-C has been waiting for the Universe to indicate a replacement cross, since his last one was washed away on a beach, summer 2008.

Senhor H is the only person I know who has been to the same Drs surgery since the age of 19. As he is in his late 60s it can't be the same doctor, can it? But his current doctor has, it seems, access to all Senhor H's health documents since this time. His health, on all fronts, is officially documented as better now than at 19. The kidney stones passed without incident, he slight flattening of his prostate has rounded out, the blood pressure is down and the heart in fine shape. He no longer needs glasses. However, the dr has no idea why Senhor H is defying time, and Senhor H tells him nothing. Drs rarely get the whole story, and on the whole they know very little.

Eventually the children stated that they weren't staying another minute (unless they had another lollipop) and Senhor H worked out he wouldn't have time to eat and be back to re-open the shop if he didn't leave immediately, and we took our leave.

Church this week involved the Coming of the Magi. Last year some children put on the play of the 3 kings adoring Mary with meaningful gestures. This year the pasteur cunningly arranged for the Administration Committee put on the play, in order to raise our consciousness about such things. Our administrative consciousness was consequently raised rather more than our spiritual, especially as they had not had much time to practice. After we'd sung We Three Kings 15 times I was ready to die. In the end the Treasurer had to get up and rap on the door to get them out on stage, the violinist had collapsed and the audience was getting restless.

Then we shared the 'Galette du Roi' a lovely almond filled pastry tart thingy with a 'feve' (bean) ie little china figurine, the one who has it in his slice can be king and wear the gold cardboard crown. If he crunches up the little china figurine he gets to wear a different kind of crown after a visit to the dentist. Inexplicably, R managed to get a piece of tart, eat it and find a 'feve' inside it, before we had even gathered round and said the prayer - he claims he did not cheat. He is definitely a Capricorn and doesn't like wasting time. He insisted on wearing his crown upside down, I hope this is not satanic. B, with a wink, gave me a small slice - because he had seen the feve inside, so I was queen, although I've never seen a queen doing the washing up afterwards.

J-C borrowed one of Senhor H's World Improvement documents and was moved to write an 8 page reply. He was up until 2am after Senhor H rang to say he had a journalist coming round and wanted it back immediately. J-C says that even if you are undergoing a kundalini transformation it takes lifetimes to reach perfection, and Senhor H had forgotten to address renewable energy and agriculture. He delivers it to Senhor H tonight, we will see whether Senhor H is capable of listening to someone else's World Improvement ideas.

I must go, as the Jehova's Witnesses are coming to tea. They really are the most holy of people, you only have to catch a glimpse of them coming up the path and you are moved to proclaim the Lord. 'OH GOD the Jehova's Witnesses' you say.

They called originally at some impossible time, I forget which, we asked them to come back after Christmas, which they did, just as I was burning lunch. So I gave them our phone number and asked them to make an appointment. They didn't, this time I was painting the wardrobe - a lovely golden yellow of 4 layers of wood oil with a whitening paste - so this time they took an appointment and are coming at a convenient time. I am looking forward to a discussion. They are looking forward to transmitting whatever it is they have to transmit...we will have to see how it goes. I have made them a wheat-free spicey currant loaf.

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