Saturday, January 17, 2009

Knight's tales

'...and we'd like the guests to come disguised as knights!' the chilling words rang out from the telephone.
Children's parties are a large part of my job description. I have already made the special trip to buy the present (3 days warning) and made all sorts of complicated transport arrangements, but this means I had less than 12 hours to come up with a knight's costume.

A quick rummage through the dressing up box revealed a king's tabard which would do as chainmail. This came from a costume I made R for his 7th birthday, it has long been disgarded and crushed, but here he is on his coronation day. Luckily when my best friend moved she left me a breastplate and a broken helmet, and I added to this a wooden sword and shield which we bought in Charente last summer. As I tried to fit the very long and very strong wooden sword into R's schoolbag I did offer a passing prayer that no internal organs would be damaged.

Happily for R most of the guests, from artistic and theatrical families, also had wooden shields and swords and they spent the whole afternoon in royal battle, with enough theatrical flair to ensure that no serious injuries resulted. R returned vainglorious with his chainmail rent in two and a battle-scarred shield. He told me that once the sword was knocked out of his hand he found he was still able to advance, HAR HAR, using the shield as a battering ram...another supergood party he assures me.

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