Sunday, February 1, 2009

Who is Deepak

Have a look at this film clip on YouTube of a Deepak Chopra interview

What do we think of him? I've talked about looking deep into the 'souls' of toys, but can this be done with people? Do we make these kinds of judgements routinely in our lives? Is it accurate, useful?

I wondered about Deepak because I found some of his publicity shots mildly alarming, and I wondered about the publicity machine which springs into action every time he writes a highly lucrative book. Who is the real Deepak? Is he ok?

I like what he writes. He exhibits and demands clear thinking, he illustrates his work with stories which we recognise and dilemma we face. Deepak is one of the few who has gone into the spiritual side of things with his thinking intact, who has researched widely, and found universal truths in the living heart of many religions.

I'm going to read his latest book The Third Jesus, (the first Jesus being the historical one, the second being the version projected by the subsequent pervertion of 'Christianity', crusade, inquisition, repression and all). The third Jesus is the part in all of us, the Christ Consciousness - but I hesitate to use this phrase as it has already been kidnapped and perverted, so I use the phrase Christic Influence which has not yet been perverted as far as I know, as I have just made it up. I am pretty sure I am going to read some things I want to question, that's the whole point.

When I watched this clip I found myself weeping with laughter and delight, and when I called
J-C over, he did too.

Mind you, he does have a HUGE business empire, a prolific online shop with some more obviously 'New Age' products, his blog is full of adverts, some of them not exactly uplifting. Mmmm, I'm in three minds. I'll have to read that book to get to the bottom of it.

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