Saturday, February 7, 2009

Market Day

Saturday morning is my weekly pilgrimmage to the market to buy locally produced organic fare and have lovely chats with the sellers and not use my car and generally bring forth all good things. Look at all these beauties...

Laurance, the organic veg seller, seduced me with recipe suggestions complete with French gestures of sensual delight, and talked me into buying some budding winter greens (John had already told me about his spring greens dish, and given me the urge, I feel a great urge to eat green at the moment, last month it was mushrooms). I steamed them, and then steam-fried sliced red onions sweet as sugar with a few chopped up dried tomatoes, mixed all together and served. Tonight a spinach salad with tiny cubes of cheese. I won't tell B it's spinach because he HATES spinach, but if he thinks it is lettuce he will eat it. I won't tell R about the cubes of cheese because he HATES cheese. Can't think what I'm going to tell him - to pick them out probably. I can't put ham in it instead because J-C is a vegetarian. I did chicken breasts with a dab of lemon jam from the prune lady, prunes, olive oil and lemon juice. Veggie burger for J-C. Then for pudding, ginger cake with slices of fresh pear, farm yoghurts with fruits from their very own hedgerows and egg custard with a touch of caramel...mmm.

Well I got myself very charged up with the rich fruitful loveliness of my purchases, but all romantic illusions crashed when I served it to the children...below R dramatises about a small inoffensive winter green:

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