Monday, September 17, 2012

Escaping detection at school

Today was the first day I was unavailable to help R pack his school bag for the afternoon session.  Was it coincidence that he forgot his exercise book?  This book is  for "communicating" with the parents, I prefer to call it the complaints and instructions book. As a parent you must avoid writing anything in this book except your initials to show you have read the complaint/instruction, and the only reply you will get is 'SEEN' stamped over your initials, let there be no confusion.  This book must be on your person at all times, in case a teacher has a sudden urge to issue a complaint or instruction, it also serves as an identity card in case you need to be banged to rights.    If you are caught without this book on you punishment is automatic and swift.

When R realized the damn thing wasn't in his bag, he reasoned correctly that if he tried to leave, the person on the gate would bang him to rights for not having it, detention and note of complaint to Mummy would follow, Mummy would become irate and write several blog entries.  So he put himself in after-school care until there was no-one on the gate and he could leave without being detected.  The only flaw with the plan was that his mother might notice he wasn't home and Worry (not good to come home to) or worse, charge into the school and...we shudder to imagine.  So he asked the after school assistant if he could phone home.  He used this time to do his homework.  The boy done good.

Phew, our perfect mother-pupil team is still in with a chance of finishing the race...yes, it's the Whacky School Races, I'm Dick Dastardly and R is Mutley.  I kept away from the parents 'meeting' ie two hours of Mrs Scruton the Headmistress making dire threats and unreasonable claims in front of 500 parents on uncomfortable chairs because I could not risk a public disorder incident.

Spent the rest of the evening discussing the Milgram Experiment with R& B and the importance of not putting rules administration and obedience to authority above all else, and of keeping your idividual humanity to the fore.  Discovered that Horizon with Michael Portello  has done a re-hash of this controversial experiment and that 70 percent of modern day English people also electrocuted the volunteer to death Michael, I was shocked.

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