Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Horn Comb Hairdressing

I was called out to the front for a coiffing demonstration.  I had decided not to wash my hair that morning believing it would make me late for holiday fun and anyway nobody would notice as I was on holiday.   Isn't it always the way!   But anyway I got up and presented my high static free-to-tangle hair.

Thierry insisted on combing from bottom to top (but still root to tip), and after a short tussle, the audience gasped in amazement.

"Some people say it's as if they can't feel the weight of their hair" said Thierry, "Shake your head - see how the hair follows the movement?"

Well of course I couldn't see the results, although it felt pretty good,  so after the presentation was over I brought Thierry the ultimate challenge, my second born son, who lives by the maxim "it looks better when it hasn't been combed"  "Help yourself" said Thierry, passing me a comb (he just wasn't going there).

BEFORE:  "It looks better when it's not combed" says R
But, after a short tussle, Sapristi Knuckoes, a transformation takes place!  A makes-your-mother-proud unified colour enhanced silky style!  With my new horn comb, never again will I ask "have you combed your hair" just after he's combed it!

He combs, under protest...

Sapristi Knuckoes, transformation!

Swathes of silky static-free hair!

Where were we?    At a living museum in the Ariege Pyrenees, (Les Forges de Pyrène) where historical skills and crafts are demonstrated by artisans who still practise them, and sell their products, fantastic day out!  http://www.grands-sites-ariege.fr).

In the old days we made our combs from cow horn, composed of keratin like our hair, it obliterates static and breakage, is kind to scalps, fashioned by human hands, has pleasing organic colour variations and a warm silky feel.  The combs can warp, which hairdressers find a problem for cutting but doesn't worry me as we are all a bit warped dear, and if you drop them, they can lose a tooth.

Thierry is outraged that nowadays in Europe we cut off cows horns.  Ariege is known for its extreme left wing politics and Thierry is outraged about a number of things which I don't quite understand,  including the horns, but now I look into it, I too am outraged about the horn cutting (more about this later)  Thierry explains that they need mature horns to make combs because they use the thick bit at the base, and that in reviving this regional artisanal industry they have had to import the horns from Argentina where they allow their horned cattle to roam free.

If you are interested in a horn comb for life, you can buy one at this site  http://peignecorne.com/peigne.htm             The site is somewhat understated.  The slogan "Your Grandmother Used One Why Not You?" doesn't do anything for me, and provokes immediate objections such as:

1.My grandmother didn't use one
2 Why would I aspire to be like my grandmothers in this or any other respect?
3 Go on, you tell me!

The product is better than the marketing.


 Cow with horns
See  www.gstaadlife.com for another view on cow horns hot from Switzerland...

I have learned that in Biodynamic Agriculture (like it tick box twitter twitter) that cows' horns are observed to be a sort of sense organ which helps to give each animal an awareness of where it is in relation to its surroundings, and of its own metabolism and identity.  Thus a cow with horns feels and needs a "space" of 2-3 metres around her, is particular about what she eats, a bit of a character, a good mother, happy healthy and on a biodynamic farm can live for 15 years in good health without chemical intervention, producing excellent milk.

Intensive farmers cut off horns. Most farmers cut of the horns.   If you measure success uniquely by milk yields and want to cram as many cow-commodities into as small a space as possible and would prefer the cows to lose their sense of identity and dejectedly ingest unatural feed and make no fuss, then you would choose horn cutting.    Result:  sad drifter cows which get ill and have to be dosed with medicines, harmed cow, harmed environment and what quality the milk?

Food for thought eh?  (see this trailer for a film which will tell you more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmrQ75xaFck )

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