Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It's winter, in France it is the season of La Raclette, and serious French families equip themselves with one of these:
Non-stick raclette set with top grilling option

La raclette is Cook's Delight because not only is it easy to prepare, but like barbecues, it seems to be a male domain.

Males involved in food preparation

To buy:   Raclette cheese ready sliced (take care to get unpasteurised if possible and check for ferocious list of  E numbers, not necessary, not healthy and not a good sign), selection of charcuterie (such as cooked ham from Paris,  raw ham from Bayonne, saucisson, or salami, mortadella ham (Italian Spam) whatever takes your fancy (vegetarians, those with high cholesterol, weep).   Some good organic potatoes which can be cooked in skin.
Note bubbling cheese in triangular receptacle, to the left, wooden scrapers, spuds in saucepan bottom right and cheese and charcuterie on its way towards being prettily arranged...(and small glass of organic Chardonnay)

Get someone to cut rind off the cheese slices and arrange prettily on a plate, and someone else to open  the charcuterie and arrange prettily on a plate.  Boil potatoes in skin and serve in cooking pan (yes!).  Persuade someone to get non-stick raclette set out of the cupboard and clean off dust.  Turn on.  Invite members of family to put their own cheese slice in the triangular receptacle provided, insert it under grill, and when bubbling remove, scrape out with wooden scraper on top of boiled potatoes and charcuterie of choice.  Voila, as the French say.

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