Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snowballs; the truth

R has just confessed that he was indeed one of the ones who snowballed the headmistress,  Mrs Scruton, although 'somebody else' went for the 'head shot'.

I warned him that it could backfire if he is caught on the security camera.

R explained that when the Headmistress, Mrs Scruton, saw all the pupils having fun in the snow and charging the taped-off areas, so she came charging out of her office waving her Detention Book and shouting Detention Detention Detention, and it was at this point that she disappeared under a pile of snowballs, from which we learn that the Detention Book- form of discipline (mot dans le carnet) does not work for riots.

He also confessed that he was 'convoked' to see the 'Punishment Officer' because I had forgotten to fill in a ticket to say that he was ill, (careless careless careless, however I DID phone the school to say he was off sick,  spoke to the teacher in person whilst collecting the school report, and spoke to her by phone the second day he was sick as she felt the need to check up on me even though I had warned her the day before he was likely to be off the following day and even after I thanked her profusely for her show of personal care and gave her a long description of his ills when all she wanted was to tick her box which gave me a slight frisson of sadistic pleasure,  from this you will see can see trust and common sense are not on the agenda).

 R thinks being called in front of the punishment officer is a wheeze and can do some amusing impersonations.   The 'Punishment Officer' made all sorts of insinuations about R, such as had he not arranged to be off sick 'with his friends'?.  I feel pretty certain that this has given R some ideas.

(Aside:  had to change the title on this one, the original, snowballing the headmistress, has resulted in 38 view from the USA, is this some kind of fetish that I haven't heard of?)

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