Thursday, January 24, 2013

School Report

I didn't get time to write this up in the Christmas rush, but here is the report on R's school report.

I dressed myself in a hat pulled down and a scarf pulled up and went to the school with trepidation in my heart and the words of R ringing in my ears:  "Just agree with everything they say and don't say anything".

(I was forced to venture into the school and make cursory contact with a teacher because they do not let the pupils take home their own reports and must verify that the document in question has passed safely into the hands of the parent/guardian).

The teacher was young and charming and seemed perfectly pleased about R.  She asked me if I had any questions.  I said that the full set of scores was admirably presented on Pronote the marking website,  thank you very much.

For the sake of balance, she pointed out that he was a bit "fragile"  in French.  Controlling myself admirably, I asked her what she meant by this.  She meant that the calculation of his marks added up to an 'avarage' score of 9 out of 20.  I asked her why this was.  She did not know.  I asked her what the French teacher had said about him.  She said she had not spoken to the French teacher.   So I gave her my interpretation and went a bit off track on the failings of the French Education System (shut up shut up shut up) and how hard it was for him to start at a school he had never been allowed to visit and with no-one to show him round (shut up shut up), predicted that R Will Do Better Next Time and that I counted on the school to let me know if there was a problem or anything else I should be doing.  She agreed, and said that it was not noticeable that R was new to the school or the system.  Which just goes to show what a trusty and hardy invididual R is.

I soon realised that R is quite right;  they do not go in for individual attention or care at all.    As long as the scores are adequate, sickness absence and bad behaviour are within the norms, the boxes are ticked and everything is generally ticking along tickety boo there won't be any trouble.

Left feeling quite relieved.  R has a General Avarage of 16 out of 20, which is Jolly Good, our team effort has paid off.


  1. Well done R! And, as there was no major war started, well done you too! Pretending to believe in them, shutting up ... so hard.

    I will be brief but we had a lovely hour with people helping Matthew with his subject selection for his final years. He will have 10 (yes ten) students in his physics class. He will have NO excuses ...

  2. Are you Down Under, are you online? Are you all alright?
