Monday, February 2, 2015

Eaten so far

Smoothie (mixed fruit including half a small banana, oat milk, 1 tsp each of goji berries, ground almonds, pumpkin seed)

One dry fried egg and one quarter of a slice of dried ham

3pm snack (was feeling v. bad at this point)

One small satsuma
Half a small carrot
2 drops of coke (left in bottom of R's bottle)
0.5 cm of thin cut oven fried chip (left on R's plate)
3 lentils (to check if cooked)

It's 4.44pm and I'm hungry.

Last supper
Holding out for 6pm, will eat fun-free home made minestrone with loads of veg and lentils that I've just made - breathed in steam, was v. good.   Looking forward to having it with cheese tomorrow, amongst other things.

Changed 2 beds
Rearranged mattresses
Hoovered upstairs even under the bed
Hoovered stairs
Washed upstairs floors
Put in load of washing

Went to sleep after 'lunch' as desperate to avoid eating, 45 mins
Philosophy research for B
Emptied dishwasher
Cleared and cleaned kitchen
Cooked R's lunch
Cooked minestrone with lentils
Wrote blog

Health check
Pale, mad, hungry

Next fast Saturday

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