Monday, February 2, 2015

The Secret Eat Fast Health...

Coincidence or not, after musing over The Secret of the Secret I finally realised I wanted slim fit and healthy and I didn't really think about it much, and yet I am as we speak on the 'fast' part of the 'Fast Diet (5;2).  I do not fast, so this is highly remarkable.  The diet was mentioned to me by several well-wishers, which lead to the site which in turn lead me to the Horizon film Eat, Fast and Live Longer

For the first time, I feel inspired by a life renewal  rather than overwhelmingly put-upon by a difficult diet.   Last night I weighed myself for the first time in 10 years, screamed, did all sorts of horrible girth measurements with a piece of string (could not find tape measure) and after that just HAD to start today.

As within so without - and vice versa.  I begin to clear the excess and rubbish from my body, and from my house too.  I was changing the sheets and then pulled the whole bed apart because the attractive 70s revival 'valance' was in the wrong place and preventing me from tucking in the sheets, and I could not help but notice that the under mattress which is 20 years old resembles the rolling hills of the Napa Valley

and the thin Ikean over-mattress is more of a puddled landscape.

Why, you may ask, have JC and I not tackled this before?  After all, I have back problems and back health is vital, and I find the bed increasingly uncomfortable and we sleep half our life?

Well, JC has v. strong resistance to getting rid of old one as he feels it is still perfectly ok.  I have a bit of resistance too, and also am totally unable to find the right solution;  a trustworthy company that makes high quality ecological and orthopaedic mattress where I can try out the mattress before I buy or am pressured to buy and am absolutely sure is the mattress for us and not another expensive gimmick waste of money of which we have been the purchasers of too many.

So I am going for this and we'll see what happens:  perfect for us ecological orthopaedic good quality mattress.
And as even The Secret does not lead me to believe a mattress will fall from the sky (not to mention the health and safety implications) I need to start by demonstrating the state of our mattress to JC.

The mattress is the experiment, and now a bit more about the theory of The Secret.

The Secret has been re-brought before me now, but I've come across it in many forms during my New Age travels and once managed to manifest a vital safety pin.  However, now it comes back in its raw state, in the most unappealing garb  at a time when I feel on a more advanced spiritual path.   Which lacks happiness.  And direction.  And power.  And friends.  And hope.

So what is the ESSENCE of this thing?  What are the challenges that prevent me from trying it out wholeheartedly and faithfully and in my right mind?

  • Challenge:  how can I know that the Cosmos is  wonderful and good and so designed as to give to me fun pleasure, adventure abundance, riches and more and that this is GOOD?
  • How can I 'know' that what I 'want' is good and be sure that I'll get it?

THE SMELL FROM THE OVEN OF R'S FISHFINGERS AND CHIPS IS DRIVING ME WILD WITH DESIRE.  At any minute now he will be back from school to eat it, and my fast will be out of danger.

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